The Institute of Earth and Environmental sciences offers to join an interdisciplinary and international group of PhDs, postdocs and researchers focusing their expertise on solving one of the most fascinating question of Earth Sciences today: the interplay between global climate evolution, monsoonal dynamics and the India-Asia collision during the still enigmatic Paleogene greenhouse to icehouse transition.
This project is in the framework of the European Research Council (ERC) project MAGIC: “Monsoons in Asia caused Greenhouse to Icehouse Change?”
The primary goal will be to collect and identify fossil pollen assemblages from exceptional well-dated sedimentary archives from Central Asia and the Tibetan Plateau. The samples that you will work with are expected to contain a Laurasian flora ranging from humid to arid assemblages. Central to your research will be to record mountain uplift, sea retreat, aridification and monsoonal intensification as well as major global climate events such as the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT) or the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM).
The palynologic database produced will be used to reconstruct of past environments and geographies to ultimately calibrate geochemical, biomarker and sedimentologic proxies, to establish paleobiogeographies as well as constrain climate and vegetation models in collaboration with other scientists involved in the project.
Employment could start on October 1, 2016.
The position is for 40 hours of work per week (100 %). The salary is determined by the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TV-L 13; Ost). This is a temporary position limited to a term of 24 months in accordance with Section 2 Para 1 of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Law (WissZeitVG).
Desired skills and experience
PhD degree in Earth and/or Environmental Sciences or associated fields
Independent research experience after their PhD
Expertise in paleo-palynology (or be willing to extend on basic knowledge)
Additional expertise in climate and vegetation proxies and modeling will be appreciated
Applicants should send their application materials, including CV, interest letter and email address of 2 referees by 19.07.2016 at the latest, either by mail to ) with the subject line,
“Postdoctoral Position: The interplay between Global Climate, Monsoons dynamics and the India-Asia collision“
More information can be found here:
Con motivo del XIV Congreso de la European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists (EAVP) realizado la semana pasada, varios investigadores del grupo Aragosaurus tuvieron la oportunidad de exponer sus últimos resultados científicos, siendo uno de los grupos de investigación con más asistentes al congreso. El lugar, Haarlem, una bonita localidad holandesa situada a 20 km al oeste de Ámsterdam y rodeada río Spaarne cercano a su desembocadura. El congreso tuvo lugar en el Teylers Museum, un bello edificio en pleno centro de la ciudad, dedicado a las artes y las ciencias, y que además es el museo más antiguo de los Países Bajos.
Como parte de la comitiva “maña” de la Universidad de Zaragoza, los investigadores Antonio Alonso, Pablo Navarro, Julia Galán, Raquel Moya, Carmen Núñez, Jara Parrilla, Ester Díaz y Eduardo Puértolas expusieron varios pósteres sobre temas tan dispares como arcosaurios (dinosaurios y cocodrilos) del Mesozoico del Pirineo oscense y Teruel, mamíferos (sirenios) del Eoceno de Huesca y micromamíferos (musarañas, aves y murciélagos) del Pleistoceno de Atapuerca (Burgos). Además, los aragosaureros Miguel Moreno de la Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) y Diego Castanera de la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität de Múnich (Alemania) también estuvieron presentes con dos interesantes charlas sobre la acumulación de cáscaras de huevo de tortuga en un yacimiento de vertebrados en el Sobrarbe (Huesca) y sobre las icnitas de tetrápodos mesozoicos de la Cuenca de Cameros.
En resumen, el congreso fue muy interesante ya que se trataron temas que iban desde la aparición de los primeros tetrápodos hasta la dispersión de los homínidos desde África. Además no faltó cierta polémica ya que parte de las charlas fueron enfocadas a los problemas y soluciones que afectan al patrimonio paleontológico, donde se pudieron escuchar los distintos puntos de vista entre paleontólogos, coleccionistas, vendedores de fósiles, así como las problemáticas asociadas con la legislación sobre el patrimonio de cada país.
Ahora solo queda esperar hasta el próximo congreso que será el año que viene por estas fechas en Múnich (Alemania), donde esperemos que la ciencia, la paleontología y las jarras de cerveza nos auguren otro interesante EAVP.
The St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm seeks an Executive Director to manage museum operations. This is a great position at an actively growing museum, working with wonderful people in beautiful southern Utah. I am very happy to answer any questions about the position at
Please share this job announcement widely. We seek someone with a combination of museum experience and management experience. Paleontology experience is strongly preferred.
Job title: Museum Executive Director
Organization: St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm (
Salary: $47,500 plus a $5,000 benefits package
Application deadline: Review of applications will begin on Monday July 25. Early applications strongly encouraged.
Position start date: August or early September 2016
The St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm houses one of the best dinosaur track sites in the world. We are located in St. George, southwestern Utah, and have approximately 40,000 annual visitors, many of whom come to our museum as part of their travels to nearby National Parks such as Zion and the Grand Canyon.
Our museum is young and actively growing. We have a small staff and so the director is responsible for almost all aspects of museum operation. This position is a combination of many different duties and skills. The main components of the position are administration and management, and purchasing gift shop inventory. Other duties include marketing, public relations, human resources, arranging group tours, maintaining the web page and social media accounts, applying for grants, event planning, and community outreach. The director also develops and produces new exhibits one to two times per year in collaboration with our site paleontologist and a consulting paleontologist from the local Dixie State University. Daily duties vary greatly and require being a “jack-of-all-trades”. The director must be efficient at multi-tasking and problem solving, whether the problems are solved with a wrench or a business meeting.
Position is full-time and is supervised by a board of directors. Bachelor’s degree required; Masters or Ph.D. strongly preferred. The desired candidate will have museum experience and management experience. History of paleontology museum experience preferred. This is not a paleontology research position, but a director with paleontology experience will have a great advantage when designing paleontology exhibits and outreach programs.
To apply, email the following items to 1) A cover letter explaining your qualifications for the position, detailing your experience with the wide variety of duties listed in the job description. 2) Your resume. 3) The names and contact information for three professional references.
For questions about the position, please email our current director, Dr. Liz Freedman Fowler, at or call 435-574-3466 x1.
Full Job Description:
POSITION: Museum Executive Director, St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm, St. George, Utah, United States
SUPERVISOR: Foundation Board President and other Board members as assigned
· The Director must have a Bacherlors or higher degree in either museum services, a relevant scientific field, or other as determined by the Board
· The Director must have the ability to:
o Work with the public, employees, and volunteers in a pleasant and outgoing manner, be tactful, and professional
o Work with professional people in related fields and be familiar with both scientific principles and appropriate business practices
o Work with budgets and financial information regarding the site
o Gain a working knowledge of all facets of the facility
o Develop long range goals and create applicable programs
· Under the direction of the Foundation Board, the Director will:
o Work with the Board to achieve goals according to the Strategic Plan
o Prepare and employ a budget for the facility and be responsible for allocation of funds
o Supervise the development and implemention of marketing strategies and plans
o Supervise all employees and volunteers, create a program for feedback and appraisals, and maintain appropriate personnel records
o Manage the gift shop so that it provides a stable source of income for the site
o Apply for grants to fund new expansions and exhibits utilizing the goals of the Strategic Plan
o Continue to develop and increase participation in membership programs
o Produce or supervise production of the membership newsletter
o Develop programming such as Dino Days or other museum-specific events
o Work with the curator to develop and implement an interpretive plan and strategy for the museum, including permanent and temporary displays, signage, hands-on and children’s activities, etc.
o Work with the curator to further develop the employee and volunteer programs, training, and communications
o Oversee the facility’s physical requirements, or designate such duties as required, to maintain the site as a pleasant and safe place to visit or work
o Meet with the public, other business organizations, donors, grantees, etc., as necessary to perform the duties of the position
o Supervise scheduling of tour groups and arrange details as necessary
o Supervise development of educational and/or resource-sharing programs
o Supervise development and maintenance of the museum’s web presence, social media, and other technology as applicable
o Be familiar with good museum practices and work with curator to ensure proper care of specimens, including appropriate documentation, recordkeeping, and storage of collection items
o Attend monthly Board meetings, prepare and present appropriate updates and documentation as required by the Board
o Attend professional conferences when applicable
o Other duties as assigned
HOURS: This is a full-time position. Requires occaisional evenings and weekends for holidays and special events.
SALARY: $47,500 plus a $5,000 benefits package
HOW TO APPLY: Email the following items to 1) A cover letter explaining your qualifications for the position, detailing your experience with the wide variety of duties listed in the job description. 2) Your resume. 3) The names and contact information for three professional references.
For questions about the position, please email our current director, Dr. Liz Freedman Fowler, at or call 435-574-3466 x1.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on Monday July 25. Early applications strongly encouraged.
POSITION START DATE: August or early September 2016