miércoles, abril 23, 2008

Para hacer la tesis doctoral en dinoflagelados del Cretácico

Se ha ofertado una beca para hacer la tesis doctoral en dinoflagelados (microfósiles) del Cretácico Superior de Alemania e Inglaterra. Os adjuntamos la información que nos ha llegado.

Doctoral Position, FR Paläontologie, FU Berlin. Topic: "Quantitative assessment and palaeoecologic significance of Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) calcareous dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in a high-resolution
stratigraphic basin to basin margin transect (Bohemia, Saxony, Lower Saxony, England)". Closing Date:
Call is open until position is filled. Period: The position is offered for period of one year, renewable for a total of
three years. Applicants should have experience with micropalaeontological and statistical methods. Applications including a Curriculum Vitae (full address, contact phone number, e- mail address), and copies of degrees (Master or Diploma) should be submitted by e- mail to: frwiese@snafu.de

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