Del 12 al 15 de Septiembre se va a desarrollar un curso de Morfometría geométrica y filogenia en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Lo va a impartir el Dr. Chris Klingenberg y lo organiza el ICP. Os adjuntamos la información que nos ha llegado y los enlaces.
he course "Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogeny" that may be of your interest. This course will be held in the UAB (Barcelona, Spain) on September 12-15 2011. Instructor: Dr. Chris Klingenberg.
The main topics of this course are:
- Shape traits and estimating phylogeny
- Mapping shape onto phylogenies
- Detecting and quantifying Phylogenetic Signal
- Comparative Analysis (e.g. Phylogenetic Independent Contrasts) and its applications.
- Multi-level analyses of integration: inferring evolutionary mechanisms
- Disparity and diversification.
You can find more information at: ICP or writing to
Places are limited. Deadline for inscription: Juny 20th.
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