domingo, marzo 02, 2008

Trabajo de Paleontólogo en Ithaca (Nueva York)

La Paleontología sigue muy viva, se sigue ofertando nuevos puestos de trabajo. Ahora adjuntamos uno para Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, Nueva York (EE.UU.)

Fulltime position: PRI -- CNC Collaborations Coordinator at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, NY. The Paleontological Research Institution (PRI) seeks an individual to develop, coordinate, and implement educational programming for PRI's Museum of the Earth and the Cayuga Nature Center (CNC). This position will capitalize on the complementary strengths of these two organizations, both located in Ithaca, NY, to offer high-quality natural history programming to central New York audiences. This programming will
focus especially on Earth system history and processes, including the evolution of landscapes and ecosystems.

Qualifications: Bachelors degree required. Advanced degree in an area of natural sciences, museum studies, outdoor interpretation, or related field preferred. Minimum of 2 years experience in museum education or similar informal education venue preferred. The ideal candidate has broad interests in Earth systems and the evolution of Earth and life, a passion for informal education, excellent written and oral communication skills, and experience working with diverse audiences. Candidate should be a dynamic instructor, with excellent interpersonal skills and be comfortable with hands-on, inquiry-based education.

Position begins May 2008. Applications: Applicants should send a cover letter describing interest in
and qualifications for the position, a resume/CV, and a list of three references (including address, phone number, and e-mail address) by email to or by mail to: Director of Public Programs,
Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850. Please apply by March 21st. Additional questions can be addressed to Samantha Sands at 607-273-6623, ext. 22 or

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